The Easy Way to Quit Smoking

Vick Oliver
2 min readNov 1, 2021


If you are a smoker or have ever been a smoker, you would know the feeling of dread, as the pack of cigarettes is running out or as the nicotine liquid bottle is empty.

Smoking is the ultimate vice. Everyone tells you not to do it. The first time you smoke, the smell and taste is nauseating, not to mention the contraction of the lungs causing a violent fit of coughs. However, this very aspect, the nastiness of the habit that makes most people think they would never get hooked. While the overall rates of smoking are falling, the rates of vaping are increasing, especially amongst teenagers and high schoolers.

The book that saved my life was ‘The Easy Way to Quit Smoking by Allen Carr. The book encourages you to continue smoking as you complete the book. In addition, it doesn’t shock you with scare tactics.

The book can be summarized into 2 major takeaways:

  1. The physical dependencies of tobacco, which is present but can be easily overcome.
  2. The mental brainwashing; ie the unwarping of a mind that has constantly looked to cigarettes as a crutch.

The approach of this book is so unique, that after truly conceptualizing the message, I quit cold turkey and have stayed smoke-free for over 8 years without going through a single withdrawal pang.

The biggest strength of the book is its ability in getting rid of brainwashing. The author systematically breaks down the various lies smokers tell themselves about why they smoke. At the end of the book, there is really no need to continue smoking. It’s just as simple.

If I could summarize one important key message from the book, it would be this. Being a smoker is like wearing a pair of shoes that are a couple of sizes smaller just to have the feeling of relief (rush..?) of being able to take them off. A nonsmoker is always feeling that relief and is operating at 100% but a smoker is constantly aggravated due to the addiction, (just like wearing a tighter pair of shoes) and feels relief very briefly when lighting up a cigarette only to find the feeling disappearing within seconds of stubbing out the cigarette to go back to the feeling of aggravation, ie putting back on the tighter pair of shoes.

Once the brainwashing aspect is removed, the physical dependencies seem like nothing and the smoker can go back to living their lives with full potential.





Vick Oliver

self help junkie, paranormal activity, conspiracy theorist. time is a flat circle.